We are Martin and Ruth Harrison and we have been mission partners with MCC since 2003. Both of us have had a lifelong commitment to mission that began with short term assignments. Ruth spent a year in Kenya after her A-levels and Martin served in Argentina, Nicaragua, and Guatemala during and after his time at university.
In 2003 we took a large step of faith by leaving our UK-based careers and going to Redcliffe Bible College with our young family to study and prepare for cross-cultural mission. 2005 saw us arriving in Costa Rica to learn Spanish and by 2006 we were serving in Ecuador. During our time there Martin led the Latin American Region community development team of Reach Beyond and Ruth helped develop and launch a missions preparation programme for Latin American Christians.
Since 2012 we have continued to serve in the areas of community development, training, and pastoral care of mission workers, with an emphasis on Europe and Central Asia. More recently we have been developing refugee response projects as there are more people on the move around the planet than ever before.
We have two adult children, both of whom are studying at university in the UK.

The UK is our base from which we go out to serve globally: we serve and support ministries in Latin America, Central Asia, Europe, and North Africa.
Martin is the International Ministry Leader for Reach Beyond. His focus is on Christ-centred community health and development. He facilitates and implements projects that bring physical and spiritual health transformation among refugees and marginalised communities around the world. “When I’m not away you will find me cycling in the Yorkshire Dales, playing drums at MCC, or cooking tasty meals from around the world!”
Ruth is an International Ministry Coordinator and as such works alongside projects with Martin. Her responsibilities include recruitment, training, and pastoral care of mission workers around the world. Ruth says, “I’m a keen ornithologist and horticulturalist and when relaxing you will either find me on my allotment or drinking good coffee with friends!”
Reach Beyond is a Christian mission organisation committed to sharing Christ among unreached people through creative media, healthcare, and community development. We work with our own staff and with partner organisations to develop and implement projects that proclaim and demonstrate the gospel through compassionate healthcare, life skills and capacity building, and community development. Projects include community water systems, rural healthcare outreach, medical clinics, and refugee response initiatives. We also train and mentor others to do this.
Reach Beyond also uses radio and creative media to share Christ among people who have never heard of Him. This work is achieved in conjunction with local partners and radio stations all around the world.