
Alpha is a relaxed and informal course over 10 weeks with time for food, discussion and debate about the big issues in life. It is for anyone who is curious about the Christian faith, who has difficulties with the faith or who just wants to be challenged about what life is all about. Courses are held periodically here at Mowbray Community Church.
Course leader – Ruth Nabi
You can find more details on our Alpha page
CAP Debt Counselling

Christians Against Poverty is a national charity to help people in debt crisis. They provide poverty relief through debt counselling, advice and practical help.
To see stories of people becoming debt-free and how CAP can help you go to
Mowbray Community Church is the CAP debt centre for the Harrogate district.
Debt centre manager – Nicola Jane Schofield
Please ring 0800 328 0006 to book an appointment

Harrogate district Foodbank is an interchurch resource in conjunction with the Trussell Trust.
The Foodbank provides three days’ emergency food for people experiencing crisis.
It is open here at Mowbray Community Church on Tuesdays and Fridays 10:30am–12:30pm. Access is through the car park to the side door where there is an intercom buzzer.
Clients need to obtain a voucher from Professional Agencies in order to receive food.
For more information go to
Horizon Life Training

Horizon Life Training, Killinghall, is linked to Mowbray Community Church and exists to enable men who have come through rehabilitation from addiction. The centre enables the residents to achieve valuable work experience and qualifications so they can be restored back into the community with employable skills.
For more information go to
Signed services for deaf people

Mowbray Community Church believes in strengthening and encouraging the participation of deaf people in the life and witness of the church community. We are fortunate enough to have BSL trained members of our church family.
Deaf people come and enjoy a lunch at 1pm every 2nd Sunday of the month in the Side Hall followed by a church service from 2–3pm.
This ministry is led by Sue Oliver
Harrogate Women’s Project

Mowbray Community Church partners with the local community to provide a fun, safe and life-enhancing women’s drop-in centre, run by women for women. Talks, crafts, advice and friendship. No need to book – just turn up on the day and join in!
Thursdays 10:00am–12:00 noon in the Side Hall at Mowbray Community Church.
The drop-in is led by Kate Green
Nicola Jan Schofiled