What is Alpha? -
Alpha is a series of group conversations that freely explore the basics of the Christian faith in an open, friendly environment. Everyone’s welcome. No matter your background or beliefs, you’re invited.
About the Alpha course
What Is Alpha?
Alpha is one of the best ways of exploring life’s biggest questions. The atmosphere is relaxed and friendly, with everything happening online, often via Zoom. There’s a thought-provoking video on a different aspect of the Christian faith followed by time for discussion with others who are on the video call with you. This is your chance to ask your questions and help each other to discover some answers. No question is too simple or too feisty at Alpha.
Who Is Alpha For?
Over 2.5 million people in the UK have done Alpha, and over 27 million worldwide. It is primarily designed for people who wouldn’t normally go to church, but is open to anyone who wants to explore some of life’s biggest questions. People do Alpha for a variety of reasons – some are interested in whether God exists, others have attended church in the past but feel they have never understood the basics. Alpha is a no-pressure course, which means we won’t chase you up if you decide not to come back. So come along and see if it’s for you!