Values are what we see as important within our church culture and describe our corporate personality and the way we do things as a church. They are what each member of the church community aspires to. Our values are to be distinguished from our beliefs that summarise our theological understanding, though of course they are closely related to them.
- We value Spirit-led worship in a way that is intimate, dynamic, reflective and life-changing. Our desire is to worship God with our whole being, with everything in us, and with Jesus as the centre.
- We value authentic worship that is void of hype. We view worship as an all-encompassing lifestyle that welcomes God’s personal presence as he shapes our thoughts and directs our actions.
- We value the applied teaching of God’s Word to equip us to know the saving grace of God and all things necessary to live according to his Kingdom.
- We value the presence, fruit and gifts of the Holy Spirit as God enables us to live out the Kingdom in our daily lives. Holding the Word and the Spirit together in equal importance is highly prized so that our Kingdom living rests in his grace and responds to him in loving obedience.
- We value prayer as a lifeline in communing with God, hearing his voice and submitting to his ways.
- We value team leadership across the church community, encouraging co-operation, transparency, accountability and responsibility.
- We value those who actively partner with the vision of MCC through becoming members and who freely give of their time, energy and resources.
- We support the frequent coming together of Christians to worship God, build each other up in the faith and carry out the works of the Kingdom.
- In our interaction with one another we value speaking the truth in love, keeping short accounts and encouraging one another to grow in the grace of God.
- We value small groups as forming the basic structure of our church. Small groups primarily refer to home fellowship groups but also include every small group ministry in the church. Every Member should be connected with a home group and should seek to support it whenever possible.
- We value on-going training and mentoring to develop the leadership and functioning of our small groups.
- We value our children and young people as being a full part of our community life. We value enabling them to have life changing encounters with Jesus Christ and are committed to finding fresh ways to ‘be church’ together with them.
- We value voluntary service to the poor, the weak, the helpless, and the outsider in the name of Jesus. We desire to be a welcoming, hospitable and serving community that avoids unauthorised judgments while seeking to show the unconditional love and truth of Jesus that alone can transform lives.
- We value active co-operation with other Bible-based churches and are committed to evangelical unity. We are committed to being aware of and helping the suffering church around the world.
- We value local evangelism, global mission and the supporting of Kingdom work internationally. As far as our values reflect the Kingdom of God we expect them to cross cultural and geographical boundaries in their application.
- Finally, it is our desire to identify, equip and empower others to further integrate these values across our various communities.